Privacy of our clients and visitors is a top priority for me. We take your safety online very seriously. In order to improve our service to you and help you understand how your information is used on our website We have provided a detailed explanation of our privacy policies in the following paragraphs.

Information we collect

It is important to us to inform you of the information we collect from you when you use our site. Name, Email and Business Name are among the data we collect. We collect data on our site in various ways. We firstly, we employ the cookies needed to collect and gather information that isn’t personal to you. Personal identifiable information is information that you have access to only, like the number on your credit card or bank account number. This information is specific to you.

Information Use

Do not enter the same information twice.

Find products, services, and details quickly.

Help us create content on this site that is appropriate to your needs.

You will be informed of any updates to information, services, or products that we provide.

Registration and ordering

When you register during the registration process, we’ll be asking you to provide your name and address (shipping and billing), phone number, e-mail address, and credit card number. Along with your gender, we might ask about your location so we can comply to any applicable laws. These kinds of data are used to charge you, complete your orders, and to communicate with you about your order or our website. In the event that we have to contact you in order to resolve a problem with your order we may ask you to provide personal information.

Email Addresses

When you sign up, you will receive our free email newsletter and get promotional offers. Participation in contests is entirely optional and you have the option of deciding whether or not you want to share your personal details.

3. Privacy Protection

In the course of our normal business processes, we do not divulge (or transfer or lease) personally identifiable information with any other company. We employ the latest encryption techniques, and all of our employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements that forbid them from disclosing to anyone or any entity any information that they have access.

What type of email do I use to send an email to my client?

Email content that contains:

Transaction mail, Shipping notification Weekly deal, Promotion, Activity.

Email Newsletters and promotions

The primary method by which we communicate is via email. we communicate with our members. If you do not wish to receive emails you can click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of each email.

How do you unsubscribe?

Unsubscribe from the newsletter using the link that appears in any email you receive, or by changing your subscribe settings after login.